Practitioners Guides
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Social Work and HIV/AIDS
HIV has provided a challenge not only to patients and their close contacts but to those caring for them. This book is based on the long experience of two social workers, both family therapists, who have worked together at the Royal Free Hospital and share the belief that practice has to have a sound theoretical basis. It gives an overview of the HIV epidemic and social work contribution to date, provides information about treatments and examines some of the dilemmas these new developments pose for patients, doctors and social workers.
Previous price: £11.00
Working with Visually Disabled People
This guide has been written from the experiences of visually disabled people and the growing voice of the Disabled People’s Movement. The authors take a civil rights perspective to visual disability, which is underpinned by the social model of disability. Two of the authors are themselves visually disabled. Little has been written for social workers and other professionals on visual disability from the perspective of visually disabled people. This guide draws upon the discipline of disability studies to guide practitioners who seek to assist visually disabled people to fulfil the lifestyles of their choice.
Previous price: £11.00