Practitioners Guides
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Down's Syndrome and Dementia
This book defines good practice in needs assessment and the provision of services for the growing number of people with Down’s Syndrome and Dementia. It is based on a social model which demands that we see the person first and the disease second. It suggests ways of maintaining choice and the best quality of life for people whose control is diminishing. It will be relevent to social workers, social care workers, community nurses, carers, staff in supported accommodation and anyone working in community settings.
Previous price: £11.00
Elder Abuse
The increasing emphasis on abuse and protection in social work and social care demands that practitioners have knowledge concerning abuse, its impact and effective methods of working. This book provides an overview of contemporary developments relating to practice and policy in situations of elder abuse and neglect. This valuable addition to the lexicon on abuse will assist practitioners in a range of different settings.
Previous price: £11.00
Enabling Future Care
Little attention has been paid to the immense struggles facing disabled people and their caregivers as they try to plan their long-term futures. This book sets out practical ways to maximise future care options for such community care user groups. It focuses on the priorities of older caregivers and people with learning disabilities to give numerous suggestions for increasing control people have over their affairs and links these to central legislation and entitlement issues. The book will be invaluable to professionals and academics who work with families tackling pressing future care decisions.
Previous price: £11.00
This ethnographic study of two social work teams combines a participant observation study of social workers with an analysis of the relationship between poverty and social work. It also incorporates findings from a three year qualitative study of social service users’ and carers’ experiences of community care. The book develops an unusual eclectic approach by applying psychological, sociological and social policy constructs to the study of poverty and social work. In conclusion it points the way forward to future social work practice, policy and research in relation to issues of financial deprivation and social exclusion.
Previous price: £11.00