Expanding Horizons
This monograph series provides fresh perspectives on social work as a broad and dynamic activity in the UK and elsewhere in the world. It will contribute to the knowledge base through publication of a range of material that examines aspects of policy, practice, research or education in the fields of social work, social pedagogy or community work.
Series Editors: Brian Littlechild and Karen Lyons
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Internationalising Social Work Education: Considerations & Developments
This monograph presents reasons for seeing the ‘internationalisation’ of social work education as an important task; ideas for implementing such a development; and learning derived from experience in this area. As well as presenting ‘experience based’ ideas and information, the references used will be a useful resource for those wishing to develop international perspectives and for students already pursuing comparative or international study.
Locating the Occupational Space for Social Work: International Perspectives
Against a backdrop of pressure from globalisation, managerialism, performance-based, audited and cost-controlled cultures, what is the future of social work? The collection of papers presented in this monograph provide critical and novel insights into current formulations of social work at national and international levels, with particular reference to national formulations in Denmark, Sweden, Scotland, England and Ireland. It will be invaluable to academics, managers and practitioners interested in comparative social work and social policy.
The Social Work Profession as Qualified by the Aspects of Efficiency and Ethics: A Comparison of Germany and England
This monograph compares social work identity in Germany and England by examining the possible inter-relatedness of ‘efficiency’, ‘professionalism’ and ‘quality development’. The impact of ethical codes, especially the value of ‘respect and dignity of the individual’ within such developments is examined. The monograph will be valuable to managers, academics or practitioners within social work, and those interested in comparative social work and social policy.