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Expanding Horizons

This monograph series provides fresh perspectives on social work as a broad and dynamic activity in the UK and elsewhere in the world. It will contribute to the knowledge base through publication of a range of material that examines aspects of policy, practice, research or education in the fields of social work, social pedagogy or community work.

Series Editors: Brian Littlechild and Karen Lyons

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Families First: A study of the implementation of a US short term intensive family support programme in the Netherlands and Germany

This monograph outlines the key components of the US family preservation programme families first, and its implementation within the Netherlands and Germany. It will be valuable to all those that manage or practice within the area of family support, and those who are interested in comparative social work and social policy.


Finding a Voice

The needs of siblings of children with disabilities have been a neglected area in research and the published literature. This monograph makes an important contribution to our understanding of the difficulties faced by siblings, some of whom experience a reluctance or difficulty in expressing their needs and feelings, and require help in order to have their voice heard. The findings of the research presented in this work provide a basis for this.


Finding Out Things

There has been a great deal of interest in developing a new paradigm for disability research outside of the traditional medical model of enquiry. The work presented in this monograph is based on a research project in which two adults with learning difficulties worked in partnership with a researcher to examine their relationships with people paid to support them. This monograph will be invaluable to those researching, managing or practising within the area of learning difficulties.


International Labour Mobility in Social Work

While there is evidence of individual, ad hoc, international movement of social workers at the education or employment stage over many years, there are growing indications that there are now systematic efforts to recruit staff from abroad to make up for a shortfall in nationally trained social workers in a number of ‘western’ countries. This is evident in the UK and this monograph draws on papers presented at a symposium in England which aimed to explore the experience of this phenomenon from the perspective of different stakeholders.
