Venture Press
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Social Work in the Context of Political Conflict
This book focuses on the hitherto largely neglected issue of the impact of political conflict on social work. This issue has considerable conceptual, educational, emotive, and ethical implications, policy and practice ramifications which are identified and critically examined in this publication. The text includes twelve contributions from Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Kenya, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom and the United States, and a chapter on memory work which draws on experience from a number of countries. It provides both global and localised perspectives of many of the central political conflicts of the 20th and the 21st...
TAO of Survival: Spirituality in Social Care and Counselling
An excellent book, written in a very humble, yet very creative, humorous way as a melange of story-telling, personal experience, traditional wisdom, poetry, spiritual and philosophical concepts, and more. It may be perceived as theory, if one is searching for conceptual guidance, or as profound reflection on ‘being human’, if one is looking for insight into human spirituality!
Previous price: £13.50
The Social Work Profession as Qualified by the Aspects of Efficiency and Ethics: A Comparison of Germany and England
This monograph compares social work identity in Germany and England by examining the possible inter-relatedness of ‘efficiency’, ‘professionalism’ and ‘quality development’. The impact of ethical codes, especially the value of ‘respect and dignity of the individual’ within such developments is examined. The monograph will be valuable to managers, academics or practitioners within social work, and those interested in comparative social work and social policy.
Transforming Community Care: A Distorted Vision?
The engine of community care is the professional practice of care management. However, its implementation in the managerialist 1990s frustrated the flexible implementation of community care. Gorman and Postle use their detailed research to show powerfully how a generation of social workers have been disillusioned by care management and they use their own practice experience with older people to demonstrate the continuing possibilities for social work to empower service users and practitioners to develop care management in the future.