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Rural Social Work Practice in Scotland
Rural Social Work Practice in Scotland brings international approaches to rural social work into a modern Scottish context. The book critically examines Scottish rural issues before going on to describe recognised rural models of social work practice, drawing upon a wide range of material from the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA and Australia. Individual chapters cover most aspects of social work: children and families, adults, minorities (with a strong call for a more enlightened practice with Scottish Gypsy Travellers) and management themes. Throughout the book, practice examples highlight and examine the practical application of theory. Each substantive chapter concludes with...
Early Professional Development for Social Workers
The central focus of this book is on the early professional development needs of social workers. It has been compiled by editors with extensive experience of social work practice, education and research. The collection examines the radical changes that have taken place in social work over the last decade within the wider context of welfare policy and practice change within the United Kingdom. "... the real potential of this book is in bridging the gap between education and qualified practice. Social work educators, students and those employing newly qualified social workers should read this and discuss the transition from student...
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